Exeat and Contact with Parents
There is a half-term of at least one week in each term. In addition, there are two short exeats, or weekends out, in the Spring and Summer term. Dates of these are published well in advance. These fall either side of half-term, and usually last from Friday lunchtime until Monday morning. During the longer Autumn Term, there are four exeats, two either side of Half Term.
Boarders’ parents are positively encouraged to visit their children regularly, to watch concerts, plays and matches and stay for refreshments before or afterwards at school. Depending on Sunday activities, it is sometimes also possible to take them out to lunch. Permission should be sought from the Head for children to be out of school for special family occasions.
The children all have easy access to their own private email, and the school provides telephones for children to use in the evening after prep is finished.
We all very much look forward to welcoming any new boarders. If you would like to discuss any aspect of boarding please contact Miss Serbrock, Head of Boarding: lserbrock@mowdenhallpst.org