Mowden Hall School

Leading Co-Educational Independent Prep School For Children aged 3-13 Years

Meet the Staff

Meet the Staff


Mr. G. Townley (B)

Assistant Head - Pastoral, Head of History, Head of Years 5 and 6, Year 6 Form Tutor, SLT, SMT

Mr. G. Townley
Assistant Head - Pastoral, Year 6 Form Teacher and Head of History, Head of Years 5 & 6, SLT, SMT

I have been a primary school teacher for 15 years and can’t wait to join the Mowden team. In my last role, as well as general classroom teaching, I was Maths and PE lead and enthusiastically supported the delivery of Maths and PE across the whole School. Outside the classroom I coach both football and cricket, and write History books for children aged 10 to 14.


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